Rip Saws (along the grain)

Rip Saws (along the grain)
Application: For splitting or edging timber, for cutting lamellae on horizontal and vertical spindles. Workpiece Material: Softwood and hardwood, wet, frozen, dry or long fibre materials. Machine: Edging, single blade, multi blade sawblades as well as sawblades with either one ortwo spindles. Circular saw benches or moulders. Tooth shape: Application Area: THIN KERF SAWBLADES – Sawmill industry (laminating strips, lumber etc.).– Solid board production (lamellos and core materials for multiple layer panels etc.).– Parquet flooring industry (for core and surface materials, lamellos).– Moulding products (mouldings, lippings, rulers etc.).– Sport industry (skis, table tennis rackets etc.). Cutting Height Diagram Technical notes: Recommendations:– Mount thin kerf sawblades on hydro sleeves.– Check the sawblade clamping flange diameter.– Check the cutting height and the tooth progression (feed rate).– Resharpen and clean resin residues regularly. Advantages: – Environmentally friendly use of resources.– Reduced chips and dust.– Optimised timber usage.– More strips from workpiece with standard cuts. Machine typesSingle or multi spindle multi blademachines without automatic feed Multi spindle machines withautomatic feed (for horizontaland vertical cutting)