Compact hogger
The Compact hogger is designed for hogging along and across the grain, making it ideal for sizing applications in double hogging processes. It is compatible with various machines such as double-end tenoners and edgebanding machines.
This hogger is suitable for working with particle and fibre materials, including uncoated and veneered MDF, as well as plastic and paper coated materials. It can also handle lightweight panels like honeycomb.
With its resharpenable design, this hogger can be sharpened up to 10 times, ensuring long-lasting performance. The tooth features a decreasing bevel, enabling higher cutting performance, especially for materials with a loose middle layer. Additionally, the tooth has an increasing bevel for maximum stability, making it ideal for materials with high mineral content and boards with a large material overhang.
The Compact hogger comes standard with 4 pinholes with a reference diameter of 100. It also features a quick clamping system with options for 160 (BO 60) and 192 (BO 80) configurations.