Leitz 190362 19 Compact hogger
Leitz Compact hogger
For hogging along and across grain - for sizing applications in double hogging
process (hogging / hogging).
Double-end tenoners, edgebanding machines etc.
Workpiece material:
Particle and fibre materials (MDF etc.) uncoated, veneered, plastic and paper coated,
lightweight panels (honeycomb).
Technical information:
Resharpenable 10 times. Tooth with decreasing bevel for higher cutting
performance, particularly suitable for materials with a loose middle layer.
Tooth with increasing bevel for maximum stability, particularly suitable for
materials with high mineral content and boards with a large material overhang.
Hogger as standard with 4 pinholes reference diameter 100 and quick clamping
system 160 (BO 60) and
192 (BO 80).
Cutting Width, in Millimeters unless inch symbol indicated | 10 |
Bore Diameter | 60 |
Manufacturer | Leitz |
Diameter | 250 |
Machine | Compact hogger HZ 210 2 |
Number Of Teeth | 55 |